G.Y.S.T. Day
Hi guys, now I know so far all my posts have been about planning and getting ready for this new year and I promise it wont always be the same, however today was my "G.Y.S.T." day and I wanted to share what my day consisted of. I got this saying from another blogger that I follow and it truly has helped me. Not only in the sense that I get my stuff done, it has helped in a 'fun' way to get my stuff done, so, here we go. Many of you know Chris, my boyfriend, he gets home from work in the early evening and what makes this fun for me, is challenging myself to get everything done before he gets home. G.Y.S.T. stands for "getting your stuff together" Normally this would be sort of a Sunday routine just because its at the beginning of the week and being prepared is always a must. So to start out, make a list; I make a new list for every month including my monthly goals and such. What I put on this G.Y.S.T. list is; chores, beauty, goals, evening relax and upcomin...