Letter To You
August 31st 2018. Today was the day we found out. Mommy and daddy were at a friends house when we decided to see if we were pregnant or not. When I got back from picking up some tests, daddy went into the bathroom with me while I took them. He wanted to be the first to see ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ so he was turned away from me. My thoughts were running wild, in a way I kind of wanted to believe you were there but I also was so scared and thought I wasn’t ready for you. Daddy turned towards me with tears in his eyes and I knew it was true, I knew there was a cluster of cells in my belly which would soon be a baby. When he showed me that test I couldn’t believe it, I was extremely happy and all my fears went down the drain. The next step was the scariest for me, we had to tell our parents, your grandmas and grandpas! Daddy had no worries and was excited while I was scared and nervous! Everyone was so happy and supportive, I had no reason to be scared because not one person was upset with our news!
September 13th 2018. This day was so special. It was mommy’s and daddy’s anniversary plus our first doctors appointment! I was kind of nervous but excited because it was our official visit that proved our pregnancy. We went in with big smiles on our face ready to see the proof. Well, That visit escalated very quickly, while the doctor was checking me and making sure everything was okay, he said to us “you have two sacks, looks like twins.” WHAT! It was so crazy to hear those words. I can’t even describe how I felt in that moment; excitement, fear, nauseated, happiness, daddy on the other hand looked as white as a ghost! I’m sure he felt excited too but very scared, that’s for sure. We thought being pregnant was the craziest news we had to share with your grandmas and grandpas but wait until we had to tell them this news!
September 17th 2018. Confirmation? Mommy’s doctor sent me to a different office to see someone and make sure we were having twins for sure. Turns out it was just you in there, the doctor said it could have been many things but mommy and daddy like to joke and say you ate your twin. So be ready for a lifetime full of us teasing you! Even though the excitement for twins went away, the amount of joy I had knowing it’s just you in there is amazing. I can’t wait to see your little face and hold your little hands. I can’t wait to spoil you with all my love.
October 28th 2018. One trimester down, two more to go. Finally, mommy got through the first trimester! It’s so weird because you haven’t given me many symptoms, which is a huge blessing. A lot of women in my life told me about the horrible morning sickness, aches and pains but nope, not us! Yay! So, 6 more months and you get to see this world mommy and daddy live in.
October 29th 2018. Oh my goodness baby! Today mommy had the day off from work so I basically just sat around the house painting and watching movies. At one point I started getting some painful cramps, I sort of figured it was because I needed to eat or drink some water but it didn’t work. Daddy told me I should lay completely flat and see if it helped and sure enough it did! I started rubbing my tummy and oh man, (without a belly bump yet) I felt a little ball when I pressed down. Daddy felt it too! You sure are growing little baby!
November 13th 2018. Wow. Today was beyond amazing! It makes me tear up writing this because it was such an emotional day full of 100% happiness! Mommy and daddy heard your little heart beat for the first time ever. You have an actual beating heart my little love! Oh my goodness mommy cried forsure and daddy was lit up with joy, we were beyond happy and excited. You were jumping around like crazy and doing somersaults, you looked so humongous on the screen but you’re actually only 4 inches. Grandma Lora was there too and she found out what gender you are but mommy and daddy still don’t know! The agony is real!! Haha we love you so so much baby, no matter what you are boy or girl, we promise you a lifetime full of our love.
My biggest wish was to be a mother one day and take care of someone that is actually my own. Its kind of crazy to think about creating a little human. Daddy loves talking about all the things he’s going to teach you and do with you once you’re here! We promise to hug you, hold you, kiss you, tickle you, and above all, love you!
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